Archive: February 2009  |  View all recent posts

matilda jane


i recently got an inquiry about a little chub on my site. she's a cute chub. it's so unfair that leg dimples and chub are so cute on babies, but no so cute on me. oh well. one of my favorites children's clothing companies - Matilda Jane - asked if I could shoot ms. chub for some of their baby line. i also got to shoot some hot mamas and chicks and some sweet little ladies. below are 12 reasons to check out Matilda Jane's New "Hot Line" !! (just click on 'goods')

i will post more later!!

Thanks to Lynn at The Sweet Treat Boutique!

it was F-R-E-E-Z-I-N-G out this day!! these ladies rocked :) not one complaint as i wore my coat and gloves and they were in their spring/summer attire!!! :)



pho⋅tog⋅ra⋅pher - a person who takes photographs, esp. one who practices photography professionally (

oh yes, i got to go to jae's kindergarten class yesterday to talk about my career!! how fun it was :) i'm a pretty shy person deep down, and being in front of crowds always made my palms sweat and my heart race. well, a bunch of little eyes looking up at me didn't intimidate me so much, but i think it's just standard practice for my body to get a little edgy just before standing in front of a group, no matter what age. funny thing is that i looked at jaeda (who wouldn't make eye contact with me while i spoke!) and her cheeks were ultra pink as i was speaking!!

i told the kids the reason i think photographs are so important, and it's something that i believe so strongly in. i'm sure i talked above their heads at some points ... but to be able to share history with your kids/grandkids is such a treasure. to share with your kids photos of yourself or their grandparents or your grandparents, and to show them that at one point, we were all little like they are now. so we do, indeed, understand what it's like to be little .... to preserve a moment that can always be relived and reflected upon when you look at it. sometimes when i look at a photo memories flood back so intensely, it was like it had just happened yesterday. it's priceless.

harper got to attend the career speech with me, and he sat like the little angel that he is (!) right next to me in front of the class. i was glad that he got to take part and listen. after we got jae from school, we took a trip over to where Papaw was buried. he would have turned 61 yesterday.

having seen photos of him, and hearing stories that we have told them, my kids have a vision in their mind of my dad. and i can tell it's a good vision :) they sang happy birthday to him, asked me lots of curious questions, and we talked about family and how silly papaw was and they gathered pine cones to sit on his stone. oh man, he would be so proud of these little people!!!

in case you've ever wondered what the "W" stands for when i sign Gina W Miller (i've been asked many times!!!) ......... it's my maiden name. i couldn't let it go :)

cemeteries offer excellent lighting, textures, and they're so relaxing and quiet ...

may i never, ever forget how sweet jaeda is. she was gathering pine cones for papaw's stone and for our stove at home :)

may i never, ever forget how obsessed my little boy is with these stinky boots. he lights up when i say it's okay for him to wear them. life should always be so simple, right?!

gifts from my babes to their Papaw

two little balls of energy

Kids & Families

i've been photographing this family since big brother turned one, i think? they're sweeties, and so full of energy!!!

love this age ... love this look ... love the drool :)

love photos in kid's bedrooms

some mommy lovin' !!

please, laugh out loud!!

Kids & Families

this is the best photo in the world, to me :) it's my baby girl, with her new empty spot on her bottom row of teeth ... so great!!

and she's sporting part of the new line for GEN MARIE. the line will be available on Friday!!

i told jae to run 'like a fairy' ................ see below :) she said "do you believe, mommy, do you believe!?' if she only knew .... of course i believe ...

phone : jae's idea. this made me cringe a bit when i saw it .... the years ahead ...

something new for '09 ... and winners


- SANTA CONTEST WINNER : CHRISTIE DECRAENE (contact me for your session!!)
- SURVEY : SHERI ACQUISTO (contact me for your session!)

**thanks so much to everyone who completed the survey!!! it is great insight, and will help me to structure things for me and you guys. thanks again!!**



Invite friends/family over to your home for food and drinks. You must have at least 8 guests present, and at least 4 of those need to be new potential clients. I will bring samples of different options that I offer, and we'll have your own prints on display, as well. There will be no selling this evening, just a display of work and I'll be there to answer any questions that potential clients may have. Each guest will receive a goody bag with lots of fun things inside. The hostess will keep the large print that I bring as a display item that was taken from their last session (I choose the print) and also a session for half-price. Hostess also gets GMP dollars to spend after their friend completes a sessions. These will be limited, so please contact me asap if you're interested!

PORTRAIT PARTIES : more info to follow


Each quarter, I will be offering a photo contest and the voting will be held on my blog. I will choose the photos, you will vote. The winner of each contest (held every 3 months) will receive a canvas sized 16x24 or smaller from their previous session. In the fall, the winners from the 4 contests will be put online for a grand prize winner. The grand prize winner wins a complimentary fall session + up to 75 holiday cards. Watch the blog for the first round of photos, which will be chosen from all of 2008.


Clear your calendars for Saturday, April 11! Come and shop at my home ... all different styles and sizes are available to try on, and I can snap some shots of your little loves all dressed up in the sweet clothes. No sitting fees, it will be fun, candid shots, and a link will be put online afterward that you can visit and purchase the photos if you wish. Please RSVP (just send an email) if you're interested!!


I've been spending most of my free time searching labs and companies for new items to offer in 2009. I'll have them posted on my new site when it is ready.
















































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