Amanda Hammond  I absolutly love the photo with Jae in her polka dots boots, hand on her hips, and that big grin!!!! :-) LOVE IT! She IS and is going to BE such a great model-Look out Tyra and Gisele!!!  3.4.09, 11:08am

CAYOL  Ang - I went back to see what pic you were talking about and it happened to be the same one where I thought she looked so much like her mama! Coincidence? I've definitely seen that expression before, Gina! Hehe  2.20.09, 6:07pm

Jessie P.  Love these! She is such a great model for you. =0)  2.17.09, 12:38pm

angie  love the eye-roll pic.....pure jaeda!!! I can almost hear her saying...."aunt're fired!!"  2.17.09, 7:10am