so this was one of those sessions where i could post EVERY SINGLE IMAGE ....... they are all blog-worthy! look at the first shot i got when i hit the shutter ....
taking a little break ...
enjoy your weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aug 20
cutie pie twins - indianapolis family photographer
a session from a few months ago, these sweet boys were so fun. they look nothing alike, but indeed, they are twins! isn't it strange what genes come through? it always amazes me. and they were as different as could be ...
and YAY ... i tore my butt out of bed at 6am and ran!! yay for me :) i feel like i got 2 hours of sleep, though. but, at least it's done. see post below for a little contest, just leave a comment!
loved this shot. he was a quiet, shy little thing. this shot was just him :)
love little baby teeth!!
Aug 19
tiny teeth - indianapolis children's portrait photographer
so i'm bound and determined to catch up on sessions from this year!! see the sweet four month babe below. he was such a cutie, and was SUCH a busy little guy for his age!!
i'm also determined to pull my butt from my bed at 6am and run on the treadmill. gosh, that sounds so fun. thought maybe if i typed it here it would be more likely to happen. i signed up for the 2010 INDIANAPOLIS MINI MARATHON!!!!!!!!!!!! yippe for me. is anyone else running/walking? if so, leave a comment. if not, sign up for it today, then leave a comment! i'll be giving out a gift to a random comment, if any of you out there can hang at the mini!! and remember, honesty is always the best policy ... or, in other words, no fakers please!!
enjoy the cuteness below :)
way super sweet .........
one up, one on the way :)
Aug 16
sweet baby blues - indianapolis child photographer
thanks to everyone for all of the nice comments on the new site!! it's so very much appreciated. when random people that i have never even met email me and tell me that they can really tell how much i enjoy my work, it certainly makes me realize that i'm on the right track. and when people tell me that they spent hours on my site, laughing or weeping, again .... i'm so flattered and i realize that i'm doing my job just the way that i want to be doing it. it's always my goal to capture people in a real manner, and i hope that by looking at the photos you can read into that person's story a bit.
and i guess the company who created my site liked it too ... check THIS out!!! pretty sweet :)
are you on facebook? it seems that everyone in the world is, and i think it's great. look me up and befriend me, it's fun! also, go here and join. i send out specials and contests on facebook sometimes without posting on my blog, it's just quick & easy to email everyone. congrats to KATELYN GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i sent out an email on facebook and katelyn is the winner of a free session, i know she'll enjoy it!!! get in touch with me :)
fyi : when i randomly pick a winner, i go to my email where i put all of the emails pertaining to that contest. i close my eyes, move my mouse in circles, and then click. it may not be real technical, but it's completely random and lucky :)
if you're thinking of scheduling a session, just keep in mind that fall sessions go very quickly and it gets very busy. email me for available dates or look above.
so the sweet baby face on this post was a pleasure ... i don't know how else to put it.
everything about her made me melt ... including her putting her hands up for me to hold her at the end of the session!!
wahoo!!! my site is live .... many months of sifting through sessions and trying to pick favorites. it was a tedious task, let me tell you. and of course i'm in my busy season, and i wanted to keep going thru my more recent sessions, but i had to put an end to the madness! anyhoo, hope you all like as much as i do. it's pretty different from my old site, but i was in need of a change. let me know what you think!
this is how excited/happy i am right now!!! okay, a little side note ... i do have a few more things i want to do with the senior side. but i am really this happy right now!!
if anyone were sitting next to me, i would totally start doing some arm-pit farts to celebrate!!